Wednesday, February 2, 2011

pandora's Box Illustration

My first Thesis illustration will be of the story of Pandora's Box I'm going to do this one in full color, but my figures will be a more evolved version of the style I used in my Greek red figure pieces. I like how the character is working with my style, but I'm still trying to figure out the environment. I was thinking of representing the evil that comes out of the box in the form of serpents similar to how they were drawn on greek pottery. This is a rough sketch so far, I'm still working on the composition. Any feed back will be helpful.

1 comment:

  1. i really like the serpent idea =D i think you could work more with something actually coming out of the box itself. Maybe the "evil" starts out as smoke and then slowly transforms into the serpents? right now the "evil" and the box seem very separated.
    I also like that they are wrapping around her, and that they are swallowing up the canvas with their presence.
